The Capital Quilter's Guild is having their 2018 Quilt show next month! The dates and times are listed below, and you will want to mark your calendars. In addition to over 175 quilts being displayed during the show, there will be quilt related vendors, a sit and sew, special challenge quilts and a silent auction for small quilts. There will also be chances to buy raffle tickets for raffle quilts from The Capital Quilter's Guild and The Modern Quilt Guild. You can see The Capital Quilter's Guild raffle quilt on the front page of our website here: If you are local, then you should come see the show!
Dates: Friday – Sunday, March 16 – 18, 2018
Hours: Friday and Saturday, 10-5, Sunday 11-4
Place: Kerr Scott Building, NC State Fairgrounds; Raleigh, NC