“But our dreams are the anterooms between quickness and death---where we divest of meaning’s demands.”
“Conversations with Sleep (IV)”
Lines 19-21
Kyle Dargan
Happy Friday!
May I ask: Where has August gone? I can hardly believe we are so close to September. Well, school has resumed for all of my boys (husband included both teaching and learning), and it has been an eventful week. NCSU began classes a little over a week and a half ago with a hybrid in-person schedule and this afternoon (I am writing this Thursday evening!) undergraduate classes were moved to all online. ASU looks like its Covid numbers are good so far, so we will hope Sam can safely stay on campus. High School classes for my youngest have been underwhelming, but I think this week has been, really, just an acclimation week. I think everyone is trying to settle in before major work starts. I seriously want to give Sidney some work, though! (Can you feel the eye roll?) Teachers, professors, administrators…everyone trying to school has my deepest sympathy and respect right now.
My week has been busy and enlightening...I have been wanting to move things around in my studio for a while now, and I have a pretty solid plan. My business, five years in, is beginning to outgrow my little studio above the garage, so reorganization has become a necessity. This week I started moving things around, and I think I have decided to dig in and finish the shuffle tomorrow. Otherwise my head might explode!
Earlier this summer, I moved my desk, where I do paperwork and answer emails, completely out of the studio. I now have a sweet, very organized desk in our dining room, and I love that set up. (I am typing this blog there right now!) In the studio this week, I cleaned off one bookcase, so that I can store fabric in it, and I moved my bolts of fabric to the corner where my table used to be. The bolts are now more accessible, and they are organized and neat!
Easily accessible and organized…I am so motivated and excited to finish more reorganizing for you to see!
I plan to move my embroidery machine to the corner where my bolts used to live, and I have acquired new bins to keep customer orders in. I plan to get all of that squared away tomorrow, so I should have good pictures for next week.
The cleaning and organizing so far has been at odd times built around the work I am currently trying to complete, but I decided today that I need to just get organized. My work-flow and my mind flow will appreciate and benefit from the studio being cleaner and more organized. I hate to halt production of quilts for even one day, but I know that getting the studio finished in a day will be better for me. And every little bit helps these days!
I am also looking at another big...and excellent...change for the business, but I will have more information about that later. I have also been spending a lot of extra hours on this plan!
All of that being said, you know my half square triangles have been in tiny bits of production all week! I will continue to work on those, but the Anniversary quilt is only one facet of this five year celebration! I will not lose sight of it, though! How are your quilts going? Can I see some pictures? Are you struggling to get all of the half square triangles finished? Let me know how things are going in the comments below. Are you super peeved that I am taking so long? Let me know! I would also love to see your work!
Have a great week. Stay safe.
Sending Quilting Love,
Coming Next Week: Okay...definitely studio pictures. I’m sure an update on the Anniversary quilt, too. And who knows, my other plan may be ready to be revealed, too!
I am Reading: Cræft: An Inquiry Into the Origins and True Meaning of Traditional Crafts by Alexander Langlands and The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas (unabridged). I am also reading various poetry---Kyle Dargan’s Honest Engine lives on my nightstand--beautiful, timely, and important. What are you reading? I would love to know! I haven’t started Mozart’s Starling yet, but I am still thinking about it...still.