“A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine.”
Anne Bronte
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
Some of the quilts that were delivered this week!
Happy Friday and Happy September!
A lot of people seem to be talking about fall this week...the weather changing, or not changing as the case is here in North Carolina, fall decorations, Halloween...so I thought today’s quotation was lovely. The summer is waning, and pretty soon the corn will rustle dryly in the fields and pumpkins will be found everywhere. Hopefully all of nature will continue to laugh in the sunshine.
My week has been very busy. I delivered eight quilts this week to three customers, and I had a happy reception from them all. One lovely customer said:
“You made magic! You were able to bring together a grandmother and granddaughter and create a wonderful memory...through your talent and skill they created a timeless quilt TOGETHER! The quilt honored both of their styles-I love it.”
I really do love making my clients happy by creating lovely, warm, special quilts for them!
I have also been working on my secret plan that will be finalized today in an exciting meeting...so you will have to wait until next week to learn more about it! In addition to that I have been prepping and piecing three more quilts for next week!
The studio reorganization is fantastic...as you can tell the studio is a happening place, and now everything (almost) has a place of its own! I have really enjoyed working in my space this week. I am plotting that video tour…I might use IG TV...I’ll let you know! I will try to link the video here in the blog when I make it, too!
My half square triangles are still coming along, but they are not finished...I know, I know...but really, I am working very hard! My secret plan will hopefully help me with time...I am so excited! I think you will be, too!
Have a great week. Stay safe.
Sending Quilting Love,
Coming Next Week: An update on the Anniversary quilt. The reveal of the secret plan! :)
I am Reading: Cræft: An Inquiry Into the Origins and True Meaning of Traditional Crafts by Alexander Langlands and The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas (unabridged). I am also reading various poetry. I haven’t started Mozart’s Starling yet, but I am still thinking about it...still...Edmond Dantes still has me spellbound at the moment...at once tragic and beautiful...he is terrific and I am frightened for him, still. I have been eyeing The Witcher books, too. Hmmm.