Happy Friday!
I hope you had a super week! I have had a really busy week with prepping orders and working out designs for quilts. When I am busy with layouts, I sometimes have to prep the shirts/clothing and then I have to lay it out and think about what has to happen. This week I actually began working on a layout before I even prepped the shirts! I do love a design that makes me think and allows me to be creative!
I am right in the middle of a super, interesting bear, so that layout is fun to do, too!
What does your creative process look like? I often lay things out, and then I let it ferment in my brain. Some of my best ideas come from looking through a project, taking it to a certain point, and then setting it aside for a day or so. I also tend to look through a project a few times before I start, so that I can let it snuggle into my brain where the ideas will quietly work themselves out!
I also worked on the second set of half square triangles, too!
Have you worked on anything creative this week?
Have a great week. Stay safe.
Sending Quilting Love,
Coming Next Week: I’m not sure yet! :)
I am Reading: Cræft: An Inquiry Into the Origins and True Meaning of Traditional Crafts by Alexander Langlands and The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas (unabridged); I am getting so close to finishing! 868 pages finished...the end is 1243, so only 375 to go...those plot lines tightening! Maybe Agatha Christie soon? I am also reading various poetry.