Patience, Concentration, and Precision

“…But this novel reminds us that narrative refuses to stay put, and that the effort of telling stories only pins things down so far. In the end it is language itself that is the problematic container, it holds too much and too little at the same time.” Translating Myself and Others, Jhumpa Lahiri discussing the novel Ties

A Custom Quilt!

Whew! I would say the studio has been hopping, but honestly it has been steady, methodical progress. Lately I have been reminded of how slow the stitching process can be, never mind the creative process. And I don’t mean to say my creativity is slow, but it does have a rhythm. I like my work best when it is unhurried, consistent, and interesting. I usually have no problem with the interest because my clients bring me the best projects, and I can truly say they are all unique. I may be making a classic t-shirt quilt, but the shirts and fabrics vary. The stories of my customers are unique for certain!

I feel stressed probably twice a year—graduation season and the holidays, but I am working to build calm into those seasons, too. Everything I do requires time, patience, concentration, and precision, and no amount of need or deadlines can rush that process. As a matter of fact, I find that when I am in a hurry or feeling harried that I make mistakes and create longer, more difficult work. Sewing should never be frustrating, tedious, or maddening, and my studio is rarely—and I mean rarely—any of those emotions. I tend to laugh at my mistakes, probably because I have the skills to fix them and because I know some mistakes are leading in to a better solution.

I have talked/written before about how I like to have a variety of orders on the go. In a particular day, I don’t want to spend the whole day on one task. I try to plan different tasks to pay attention to my body and allow time for thinking and digesting a project. For instance, I do thinking tasks, like layouts and planning, when I am fresh in the morning. I try not to sew all day or stand all day, so I plan a prep of shirts (cutting, interfacing, and steam pressing) and the piecing of a quilt top for the day. The prep I know I can finish in a few hours or less, and the piecing can spill into the next day if needed.

I try to pay attention to my creative desires, too. I usually have three or four things on my “to-do” list, and I let my desire for the day dictate the order. I do try to remain cognizant that, like everyone else, I can try to avoid a certain task, and I will usually do that one first! Then I get a reward—doing the thing that is burning in my mind or making my fingers tingle—yes—my work is often a physical desire—and I am happy to be able to sew and create at will. I am also lucky that I really like all of the aspects of my job, from pressing freshly washed fabric to binding finished quilts. I do find a quiet joy in all of those activities.

One more row to go on the pixellation quilt…now I just have to decide how to quilt it while I work on that row!

Lately the studio abounds with colorful squares for a pixellation quilt (I’ll do a blog post for that process!) and a double-sided t-shirt quilt with a certain vision desired by the client. Pillows and custom quilting and sweet custom quilts are in the works, too. Also, I have been meeting with clients with new projects and of course graduation quilt projects! The studio is a lively place, where the process may be slow, but the product is always worth it!

Sending Quilting Love,


Coming Next Time: Pixellation? Memory Quilts? Is there anything you would like me to write about?

I am Reading: I am still enjoying The Old Curiosity Shop by Dickens, and I am reading the second novel in the Chief Inspector Gamache mystery series by Louise Penny. I am also reading several nonfiction books and books of poetry, as usual. Do you have reading recommendations?


In the doorway, the artful Dutchman didn’t move.  Harry knew better than to move. Hannah was wrong, Eddie knew.  There are moments when time does stop.  We must be alert enough to notice such moments. 

A Widow for One Year

      John Irving

A College Graduation quilt!

Graduation season is quickly approaching.  My queue usually fills for graduation by mid-March, and this year I already have four graduation quilts waiting to be made and a few others awaiting meetings with clients.  If you want a graduation quilt this season, then get on my list!

Graduation season is always so exciting and bittersweet, and last season a parent reminded me, as I was working on her daughter’s quilt, that the process is a cathartic one.  She said going through shirts with me, picking fabric, and discussing designs brought back so many memories and punctuated the end that graduations signal.  For her, she had already sent her daughter off to college–we made her quilt during her daughter’s freshman year of college.  My client said working with me to make the quilt really helped smooth and nurture her process of letting go. 

The front of her daughter’s double-sided quilt!

Graduations themselves are bittersweet for graduates and parents.  They mark the end of something, while nodding to the uncertain future.  Old ties are loosened and newness abounds, and graduation quilts reflect that friction.

As a mother I have two high school graduations completed, and I am enjoying my new freedoms and the boys’ bright futures.  My oldest wasn’t interested in  a t-shirt quilt, really–I made him one in middle school, and I just prepped my youngest’s t-shirts for his quilt.  He picked out his shirts, and he helped me pick fabrics.  I think my personal process is less cathartic because he left home for his Senior year of high school to attend UNCSA, but I was reminded, as I worked on his shirts and layout recently, of the dichotomy of emotions inherent in graduation season.

I made her daughter a bear, too, and it is pictured here on top of the quilt.

With both my boys in college, I see and feel the joy and expectations of the future, and I am so pleased to be able to work with parents feeling the pain and anticipation of graduation.  I read often for catharsis that I don’t even know I need until I find it in a text, and I hope my graduation orders help my clients find cleansing catharsis, too.  They will have a quilt that embodies so many memories and emotions, and a quilter cannot ask more from a quilt.

The back of her daughter’s quilt was filled with pictures I printed to fabric and hand appliqued “confetti” strips to add interest.

Memory quilts of any kind are a process, and I probably need another blog post to cover the ways it can be beneficial and possibly painful. If you have memories you want to keep, though, a quilt is a brilliant place to store them!

Sending Quilting Love, 


Coming Next Time:  Patience, Concentration and Precision

I am Reading: I finished Mirror Lake, and now I want to find the other books in the series…I just ordered myself some new mysteries yesterday!  I will look at my local used book shops for the other Mirror Lake books.  I am fifteen chapters into The Old Curiosity Shop, and I love Dickens.  His ability to paint a scene and characters is superb.  The Old Curiosity shop is my daily lunch companion!  I have other books on the go, too…what are you reading?

A Quilt Exhibit, Quilt Along, and Book Club...Yes, I am Excited!

“Whether made for public display or for intimate private use, quilts provide a window into their era and visually narrate often-invisible American experiences.  Within a quilt’s fibers, materials, patterns, and decoration are embedded larger stories of industrial production, politics, social change and communities along with the personal stories of families.  Some live on the surface of American life and some are embedded deep within community history and tradition.”

Fabric of a Nation: American Quilt Stories

Director’s Forward

Pamela Parmal, Jennifer Swope, and

 Lauren Whitley

Happy Friday!

This week has been a busy one in the studio...working on two vintage quilts (repairs, new binding, etc.) and two custom quilts have been in the works!  I also had the pleasure of perusing my copy of Fabric of a Nation: American Quilt Stories that I ordered.  The book is a companion to the exhibit now open at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.  For more information about the exhibit you may visit here:

This exhibit is so exciting and the publication is a feat in itself.  I listened to Jennifer Swope discuss the exhibit and the book on the Quiltbuzz podcast, which you can find here:  She discusses how the book is an extension of the exhibit because the exhibition space only had a limited space, but the book allows for more exploration of the themes of the exhibit through many more examples of quilts.  The book is beautiful!  I will share more as I read through it.  I am participating in the SuzyQuilts book club, and we will begin discussing the book this week, I think!  I should check what I need to have read!

The companion book to the exhibit of the same name at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

I am also participating in the MFAQAL (Museum of Fine Arts Quilt Along) put on by Amanda @broadclothstudio.  She enlisted the help of some wonderful pattern designers to help her put together the blocks in the quilt.  Each designer chose a classic quilt block found in the exhibit and “reimagined” it and gave it their own “modern spin” (quotations per the MFAQAL pattern!).

This week we are working on the Water Lily block and the Courthouse Steps block...I have been cutting the fabric for my blocks.  I will piece them this weekend.

The MFA Boston is working on putting together a virtual exhibit, so if you cannot get to Boston, then you may be able to see the exhibit anyway!

So much of my work is honoring memories and people’s lives, and I love the quotation at the beginning of the blog.  I am honored to be a part of this vibrant, important community!

Sending Quilting Love, 


Coming Next Time: Thread...

I am Reading:  I am still reading Wicked by Gregory McGuire, but I finished Tightrope by Simon Mawer this week. I am working my way through Let Your Creativity Work for You by Heather Allen. Also I picked up the third Witcher book, Blood of Elves.   I am still reading bits of poetry, and I have stacks of things to read, which always makes me happy! Of course I am reading for my quilty book club...I will share as I go along!

How Long Does It Take to Make a Quilt?

“Just when I was settling down to it, Lettice Protheroe drifted in.

I use the word ‘drifted’ advisedly.  I have read in novels in which young people are described as bursting with energy--joie de vivre, the magnificent vitality of youth.  Personally, all the young people I come across have the air of amiable wraiths.

Lettice was particularly wraithlike this afternoon.  She is a pretty girl, very tall and fair and completely vague.  She drifted through the French window, absently pulled off the yellow beret she was wearing and murmured vaguely with a kind of faraway surprise.

‘Oh, It’s you.”

The Murder at the Vicarage

Agatha Christie

Hello and Happy Friday!

Last week I promised you a discussion of how long it actually takes to make a quilt. Of course, you might guess that I am going to say the time depends on a lot of factors.  The type of quilt, the size of the quilt, availability of fabric, and the time of year all contribute to the length of time it will take to have a quilt made.

Cutting lots of strips!

Cutting lots of strips!

The actual making of a quilt usually takes me anywhere between one to three weeks, but you should keep in mind that I tend to work on at least three projects at a time.  For instance Wednesday and Thursday of this week I made a bear, finished a tie quilt, and pieced a Classic 25T in addition to creating a pattern for a pillow case, researching classic patterns, emailing and talking with customers, and writing this blog.  The Classic 25T took me about five and a half hours to piece once I had prepped and cut the shirts and washed and cut all of the fabric.  That does not include the time it took me to piece the back and make the binding.  I can quilt and bind a Classic 25T in one day, but I often split those tasks up into two days because of the physical demands of that work, which is one of the reasons I work on more than one project at a time.  Sitting and piecing for six to eight hours is not healthy, so I break my day up into tasks.  I might work on piecing a quilt in the morning for three hours and prep the next order in the afternoon.

Cutting Fabric for sashing and borders.

Cutting Fabric for sashing and borders.

The type of quilt is a huge factor in how long it takes to make.  Classic quilts are the fastest to make.  Custom quilts are more complicated, so they take longer.  Memory quilts or special custom quilts can take the longest because of the pattern and fabric being used.  But I love having a variety of orders in the studio at once, so that I can easily make my tasks diverse

Time of year can also play a role in how long it will take me to make a quilt.  By mid-October my queue is full for Christmas orders, so if I take in an order after my Christmas slots are full, then that order will likely be the first order of the new year. 

I really try to be honest about my work load when I meet with customers, and I try to plan accordingly for anything that might arise to foil my plans.

Would you like to see a “Day in the Life” blog? Maybe I will do that next week!

Sending Quilting Love, 


Coming Next Week: A Day in the Studio with Ginger, and maybe I will layout a week, too.

I am Reading:  I am still reading Wicked by Gregory McGuire and Tightrope by Simon Mawer, and I am working my way through Let Your Creativity Work for You by Heather Allen. I am still reading bits of poetry, and I have stacks of things to read, which always makes me happy! I am also waiting on my copy of Fabric of a Nation: American Quilt Stories from the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston’s exhibit of the same name...I’ll put some pictures in the blog once it arrives!

Speaking the Same Quilty Language

“I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.”

Laura Ingalls Wilder

Happy October!

I hope you have had a brilliant week in all of your endeavors!  I promised last week that I would define some quilting vocabulary for you.  Many of my customers are not quilters, which is why they hire me to make things for them, so I usually spend a little bit of time explaining quilting vocabulary, especially when we are deciding fabric.  Often I show them a picture of a quilt and point to the relevant parts as I discuss what parts of the quilt they have to decide in terms of fabric. 

I made a list of the terms I most often explain, and I found twenty four terms.  In this blog post I will define twelve I use most often in meetings with clients, and I will define the rest next week. 

You can see most of the terms below in this quilt!

You can see most of the terms below in this quilt!

Sashing-the fabric around the blocks and between the rows. (The teal in the picture above.)

Cornerstones-the small 2” squares between the rows and the blocks. (There are black cornerstones in the picture above.) Custom Quilt do not have cornerstones because the layout is not in rows.

Inner Border-The border closest to the blocks; it usually matches the sashing. (Teal in the picture above.)

Outer Border-The large, usually 6” border on the outside of the quilt. (Black in the picture above.)

Middle Border-A border between the inner and outer border, usually for a pop of color and is 1”-2”.

Binding-The edge that finishes the quilt. (The tiny black edge on the quilt above.)

Backing-The fabric for the back of the quilt. (Teal in the quilt above; you can see it in the corner that is folded over.)

Embroidery-Custom lettering...names, dates, messages to a quilt. (The quilt above has an embroidered label on the back of it; seen in the folded over corner.)

I interfaced the towels in this quilt to make them less likely to stretch and unravel.

I interfaced the towels in this quilt to make them less likely to stretch and unravel.

Interfacing-Pellon 911 Featherweight is the brand I use, and it is a lightweight fabric that gets steam pressed onto the backs of the pieces of the t-shirt/clothing/fabric.  It allows a stretchy fabric to behave more like a cotton fabric. (In the quilt above, interfacing was used to stabilize the Hurricane’s towels.)

Batting-I use 80/20 Cotton/Polyester blend and it is the layer of wadding between the top (t-shirt block layer) and the back of the quilt.

Hanging Sleeve-a flat ~3” sleeve, usually made from the same fabric as the backing fabric. The top edge is sewn into the top binding and the bottom edge is hand sewn down to the back. A rod or pole slides into the sleeve to allow the quilt to be hung. (The sleeve for the Hurricane’s Quilt would be made from Hurricane’s fabric.)

Scraps/Remnants-Any fabric left over from making a sewing project.  For t-shirt quilts that means any part not used in the block---sleeves, bottoms of shirts, etc.

Next week I will cover words like piecing, applique, and longarm.  Please let me know if you have a question...leave me a comment, and I will try to answer it!

Do you have a term or a part of a quilt or the quilting process that you don’t know how to name or define?

Sending Quilting Love,


Coming Next Week: More quilting terms!

I am Reading:  I am still reading Wicked by Gregory McGuire and Tightrope by Simon Mawer, and I am working my way through Let Your Creativity Work for You by Heather Allen. I am still reading bits of poetry, and I have stacks of things to read, which always makes me happy!  I listened to a reading given by poet and essayist Ross Gay this week, and I highly recommend looking into his work.  His talk and reading were so good! 

The "Fire of Genius" and Beautiful Art

“...Nature, in her most irrational mood, has traced in invisible ink on the walls of the mind a premonition which these great artists confirm; a sketch which only needs to be held to the fire of genius to become visible.  When one so exposes it and sees it come to life one exclaims in rapture, But this is what I have always felt and known and desired!  And one boils over with excitement, and, shutting the book even with a kind of reverence as if it were something very precious, a stand-by to return to as long as one lives…”

A Room of One’s Own

      Virginia Woolf


I hope you have had a brilliant week, and are staying safe!  I have been asked to add a hanging sleeve to a beautiful quilt, so I researched the fabric because I want the sleeve to match the backing fabric.  I found out the fabric is called Bloomsbury---a fabric line inspired by the Bloomsbury group...Virginia Woolf’s group of lively painters, writers, and artists, hence the Virgina Woolf quotation this week!

I have had a lovely week finishing up two large custom quilts with lots of pieces (over 150 between the two!), and working on a lovely heart quilt.  I have also prepped for a new project, and I have been hand sewing Dresden plates, too.  I’d love to hear what you have been busy with this week...leave me a comment below!

I promised you last time to show you the custom quilt I had just finished, and I am so excited!  I had so much fun designing this quilt.  It is a custom quilt with a regular custom layout, but the owner wanted a more crazy quilt look, and she had so many fun pieces in her clothing that I could use.  So I appliqued pieces to the regular custom layout for the beautiful quilt below!

Crazy Quilt inspired Custom T-Shirt/Clothing quilt!

Crazy Quilt inspired Custom T-Shirt/Clothing quilt!

I love all of the details!

I love all of the details!

I’m so pleased the quilt is loved!

I’m so pleased the quilt is loved!

As you can see, butterflies roam all over the quilt, a bear is tromping across a seam, and in one block a vintage girl is riding her bicycle right off of the quilt.  I love to create custom layouts, and cutting and placing the appliqued pieces on this quilt was pure, creative fun!  The owner contacted me after she had the quilt for a little while, and she said, “Just to let you know, I’m loving my blanket and all the little aspects that I find new everyday. Thank You sooooooooooo much.”  She really made my day by letting me know how much she loves the quilt!  

I love the simple black binding, too!

I love the simple black binding, too!

The reproduction quilt made its way to its owner this week, too, and I asked him to send me pictures of it in action during a reenactment!  I will keep you posted on that!

Sending Quilting Love,


Coming Next Week:  Studio highlights and quilting information

I am Reading: Cræft: An Inquiry Into the Origins and True Meaning of Traditional Crafts by Alexander Langlands, Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte (though I am kind of stalled there...I was led away by the lure of another text!). I am reading Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow; a friend gave it to is the book upon which the musical Hamilton is based.  I am also reading The Yellow House by Martin Gayford. (I’m still contemplating Willa Cather, and I may reread Measure for Measure...Shakespeare in Spring and my oldest is reading it for a class. I love that play!) Let me know what you are reading!

March Updates and Promised!

“‘What shall I do with all my books,’ was the question; and the answer, ‘Read them;’ sobered the questioner.  But if you cannot read them, at any rate handle them, and, as it were, fondle them. Peer into them. Let them fall open where they will. Read on from the first sentence that arrests the eye.  Then turn to another.  Make a voyage of discovery, taking soundings of uncharted seas.  Set them back on their shelves with your own hands.  Arrange them on your own plan, so that if you do not know what is in them, you at least know where they are.  If they cannot be your friends, let them at any rate be your aquaintances.  If they cannot enter the circle of your life, do not deny them at least a nod of recognition.” [Winston Churchill]

The Man Who Loved Books Too Much

               Allison Hoover Bartlett


Can one really have too many you may know, I range to the side of probably not!   I hope you are well and keeping yourself safe.

February was a busy, wonderful month in the studio.  I finished the Commissary Reproduction quilt, and I am super pleased with how it came out.  I hope I can photograph it in a special place before it has to go to its new home.

Reproduction quilt of a Civil War Union Commissary Commission Quilt!

Reproduction quilt of a Civil War Union Commissary Commission Quilt!

I also designed and ordered new labels from Spoonflower, and I love them!  I will create my own labels every time now.  The colors are great, and I think they are much prettier than the last labels.  I have about ten of those labels left, and I will use those for bears, but I am already plotting a smaller bear/pillow label from Spoonflower, too! 

New Labels from Spoonflower; I love the colors!

New Labels from Spoonflower; I love the colors!

I also managed to finish piecing the Anniversary Quilt top!  Yay!  I were concerned I  would never finish...but I did, and I am now deciding on how to quilt it.  I have a couple of other quilts ahead of it to quilt, so I have time to think about it.  Any ideas would be appreciated!

Anniversary Quilt Ready for quilting…I have decided to put cherries on the back of it!

Anniversary Quilt Ready for quilting…I have decided to put cherries on the back of it!

I promised you last time that I would tell you about Star Quilts...I have a customer who wanted a star quilt made from clothes...some of it was knit clothing, and she had already finished the interfacing and sewing of some of the pieces.  I needed a pattern that would allow me to use those pieces and a pattern that was a little more friendly to knit fabric than some of the Lone Star patterns are.  So I set about to make a pattern with bigger pieces, and I made a “mock up” along the way.  I had this beautiful rainbow fabric left from another order, and so I decided to try different techniques with it.  For instance, I wasn’t sure if Y seams would be a good idea with what I had to use, so I made them both ways in the mock up to see if there was a difference.  I created a sweet little pattern that was a great help in piecing the star quilt for my customer, and I decided I liked the mock up so much that I will finish it, too!  It is in line to be quilted soon!

Customer Star Quilt…I think four generations of clothing are represented in this quilt!

Customer Star Quilt…I think four generations of clothing are represented in this quilt!

My Star “Mock Up” that I decided is pretty enough to be finished!  Just waiting to be quilted!

My Star “Mock Up” that I decided is pretty enough to be finished! Just waiting to be quilted!

Currently, I am elbows deep in a huge custom project, and I just finished another custom quilt for a customer.  She sent me the nicest email days after she received it.  I will share that one soon!  I am also designing a beautiful heart memory quilt and doing some hand applique...Can you tell I’m having fun!

Have I gotten you all caught up now with what is happening in the studio?  I think so!

I hope you stay safe and well!

Sending Quilting Love,


Coming Next Week:  That special Custom quilt (which features applique!)

I am Reading: Cræft: An Inquiry Into the Origins and True Meaning of Traditional Crafts by Alexander Langlands, Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte (though I am kind of stalled there...I was led away by the lure of another text!). I started Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow; a friend gave it to is the book upon which the musical Hamilton is based. I just really love a good biography sometimes!  I am also reading The Yellow House by Martin Gayford. (My brain may be pining for some Willa Cather, so don’t be surprised if she shows up soon, too! I know I seem fickle, but really I am just insatiable!) Let me know what you are reading!

Happy New Year and Many Thanks! Plus a great quotation!

“I only stayed to put away my gun and powder-horn, and give some requisite directions to one of the farming-men, and then repaired to the vicarage, to solace my spirit and soothe my ruffled temper with the company and conversation of Eliza Millward.

I found her as usual, busy with some piece of soft embroidery (the mania for Berlin wools had not yet commenced), while her sister was seated at the chimney corner, with the cat on her knee, mending a heap of stockings.

‘Mary-Mary put them away!’ Eliza was hastily saying just as I entered the room.”

The Tenant of Wildfell Hall

Anne Bronte

Quilts, wall-hangings, bears, and pillows!  My little Mini-Cooper was full when I did my deliveries!

Quilts, wall-hangings, bears, and pillows! My little Mini-Cooper was full when I did my deliveries!

Happy New Year!

I hope you have had a wonderful, warm holiday season, and I hope for all the best for you in 2021.  I am keenly aware that the ringing in of the new year does not change the current climate or situation, and I am not seeking a heap of change right now.  I am determined to continue to improve on myself and my work by quiet, steady progress.  The new year does feel shiny and new (even though, looking out of the window, I see a dreary, rainy day, which I do not mind!), and I am hopefully going to keep that hope kindled well into the coming months.

Today’s quotation comes from one of my current reads, and as you know, I love to find sewing references in my reading.  Several things caught my eye in this quotation...the first being the nod to a female author, who would be interested and knowledgeable about current embroidery trends.  This section of the book is narrated by a young man, so it is interesting that the narrator chooses to explain why Eliza is not using Berlin Wools!  I did look up the Berlin Wools mania and I came across an article in Piecework Magazine which describes Berlin Wool work as something like needlepoint, but worked in Berlin Wools, which were famous for their “clear bright shades, pure whites, and delicate pastels. Vibrancy of color was imparted to the yarn by newly developed synthetic aniline dyes.”  

I am also intrigued by the mention of not mending stockings in front of gentlemen guests!

Besides my reading, I have been very busy with the Christmas season and new projects after the Christmas projects were finished and delivered.  The picture above says it all...bears, pillows, many fun projects went to wonderful customers this holiday season, and I am pleased and honored to have made them all!

I also received so many wonderful notes and thanks from my great customer sent me a photo of her new grandbaby with a quilt I made for her daughter in law!  Her son is holding the baby with the quilt all snuggled up around them both.  Needless to say my day was made.  I know I have said it before, but making beautiful quilts for people and seeing their joy is one of the things I truly love about my job. 

Thank you to everyone who chose me to make special quilts, pillows, bears, and other sundries for them in the last five years, and I am so excited about the projects currently at work in the studio and the future projects yet to come.

I will try to get back to the regular blog schedule, too, as I tackle these new, exciting endeavors!

Happy New Year and Sending Quilting Love,


Coming Next Week:  New projects and an anniversary quilt update. (I know you don’t believe me, but I will try!)

I am Reading: Cræft: An Inquiry Into the Origins and True Meaning of Traditional Crafts by Alexander Langlands. I am slowly devouring The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte (And yes, I am still contemplating the other Bronte novels---I do love Wuthering Heights so much!), and I picked up Call Me By Your Name by Andre Aciman at the library.  I am also reading The Yellow House by Martin Gayford.   

Busy Christmas Order Week!

“On a personal level, too, art is life intensified: it delights more deeply, consumes more rapidly; it engraves the traces of imaginary and intellectual adventure on the countenance of its servant and in the long run, for all the monastic calm of his external existence, leads to self-indulgence, overrefinement, lethargy, and a restless curiosity that a lifetime of wild passions and pleasures could scarcely engender.”

Death in Venice

Thomas Mann

Just off of the frame, some of the echo quilting I did this week.  See that orange fabric…that is the back and it is going to be the binding!  I think it will really pick up the appliqued flowers!

Just off of the frame, some of the echo quilting I did this week. See that orange fabric…that is the back and it is going to be the binding! I think it will really pick up the appliqued flowers!

Happy Friday!

I hope you have had a wonderful week!  I have been busy sewing, prepping, quilting, and enjoying my work.  You can see above the lovely echo quilting I did earlier in the week...I am really starting to like custom quilting!  I do enjoy the simple stipple I use on t-shirt quilts; it is a soothing pattern that allows me to avoid any parts of shirts that need special care like pockets, buttons, placards, or areas with heavy paint.  I do enjoy having the opportunity to do some custom quilting, though, too, and I think in the new year I will endeavor to do more practice with it.

I am deep into getting Christmas projects completed.  I am trying to finish the Christmas orders by mid-December, so that if people need to mail items they can.  I feel good about my progress, too.  

I think the anniversary quilt will have to be put on hold until after I complete that work, though, so you will likely not see more about it until later in December.  I have also hinted at showing you the embroidery work I have been doing in the dark evenings before bed...I may get some pictures taken of it, but lighting is not great when I am working on it.  

Next week is Thanksgiving, and I won’t post another blog until the week after, I think...unless I get it set up and ready by Wednesday evening.  I have promised myself that I will take the entire day of Thanksgiving off, so I cannot set up the blog on Thursday if I do!  Maybe I can get it set up on Friday...which will mean it will be late, but even if I do not get a blog written next week, know that I am thinking of you all!  I hope you all have a safe, socially distant Thanksgiving, so that we can all enjoy a table full of family next year!

Sending Quilting Love, 


Coming Next Week: That depends on you...what would you like to hear about?  Leave a comment by next Monday or Tuesday...maybe a few suggestions will help me get the blog finished early next week!  Really, I would love to hear from you!

I am Reading: Cræft: An Inquiry Into the Origins and True Meaning of Traditional Crafts by Alexander Langlands. I am also reading Thomas Mann’s Death in Venice, and now I am casting about for what my mind needs next.   The Mann novel was acquired at the library along with Blue Rose by Carol Muske-Dukes (poetry).  I am also reading The Yellow House by Martin Gayford.   

Ecstasy in the Art of Making

“For Vincent, smoking was a great solace.  He often recommended it as a source of comfort and a remedy against melancholy.  So, too, was painting directly from life.  As he had written to Theo, when he did that and all went well, he could lose himself in an ecstasy. ‘The emotions are sometimes so strong that one works without knowing one works.’”

The Yellow House

  Martin Gayford

Our sweet kitty, Smokey.  He is sorely missed.

Our sweet kitty, Smokey. He is sorely missed.

Happy Friday the 13th!

Hopefully you have a super day filled with good vibes and sweet feelings!  I have had a great week.  This week has been a week of preparation and finishing orders...I am trying to get everything prepped, so that I can just pick projects up and make them.  As I worked away this week in the studio, I had a Vincent moment, I think. I was working along, and I stopped all of a sudden and thought, “I really like to make things.”  I mean a moment of complete joy, ecstasy if you will, in my work, and I have to say I wasn’t even doing my favorite part of my work.  However, this week’s work has been creative and challenging in the best ways.  

Carrie stopped in this week to bring me a top she finished, and I told her I was working on this really complicated prep for a quilt, and she said, “You mean you’re having fun?”  She knows me so well.

I didn’t get more of the Anniversary quilt made, but I feel good about my work this week.  Sidney and I have been participating in the Preview week for UNCSA (North Carolina School of the Arts), where he hopes to attend his Senior year of high school, and so some of my regular work time has been spent learning and feeling even better about the campus and programs offered there.  

Unfortunately this week has also been about our family adjusting to the loss of our sweet kitty.  He was 19, and so much a part of the fabric of our family.  We will miss him dearly.

I suppose I have you all caught up now...I hope you have a week filled with love and joy in creating or doing what you love.

Have a great week. Stay safe.

Sending Quilting Love, 


Coming Next Week: That depends on you...what would you like to hear about?  Leave a comment by next Tuesday or Wednesday!  More about the Anniversary quilt next week, too!  Pictures of my night time embroidery?  Would you like to see that?

I am Reading: Cræft: An Inquiry Into the Origins and True Meaning of Traditional Crafts by Alexander Langlands. I finished both  The Murder at the Vicarage and Sleeping Murder by Agatha Christie.  I started Thomas Mann’s Death in Venice, and now I am casting about for what my mind needs next.   The Mann novel was acquired at the library along with Blue Rose by Carol Muske-Dukes (poetry).  I mentioned Virginia Woolf last week, but I picked up another fiery mind with Vincent Van Gogh.  I started reading The Yellow House by Martin Gayford...I feel sure I mentioned it here before.   

Cutting is Magic!

Measure twice. Cut once.

Very appropriate proverb!

My favorite cutting tools in the studio.

My favorite cutting tools in the studio.

Happy Friday!

I hope you have had a super week!  I have been busy finishing a few projects, delivering quilts, and meeting with new customers, so my week has been less present in the studio than some weeks.  

As you probably know I finalize the blog on Thursday afternoon, and today when I was piecing a quilt I had cut out last week, I started thinking about cutting.  Cutting really is the magic in quilting.  If a quilter cuts the pieces right, then the quilt will go together so easily!  I remember my PawPaw, who was a woodworker, say often to me to “measure twice, and cut once,” and I live by those words all the time in the studio!  Too often, though, I find cutting rather arduous, but I think I will look at it a little differently really is what makes everything better!

Great preparation always helps!

Have a great week. Stay safe. Vote!

Sending Quilting Love, 


Coming Next Week: That depends on you...what would you like to hear about?  Leave a comment by next Tuesday or Wednesday!  More about the Anniversary quilt next week, too!

I am Reading: Cræft: An Inquiry Into the Origins and True Meaning of Traditional Crafts by Alexander Langlands and The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas (unabridged); I am getting so close to finishing! 1112 pages finished...the end is 1243, so only 131 to go...oh good!  Maybe Agatha Christie soon?  I am also reading various poetry.   

Busy Week!

“Chloe reached out and touched a branch of cottonwood. ‘It’s so beautiful here. Hearing what you’re saying, the stuff that never makes it into the history books, I wonder how you can stand to associate with anyone who isn’t Indian.’

‘You forget I’m not full blood.  Lots of people feel the way you’re describing. That’s part of what AIM was about.  Where I live in Massachusetts was Indian land, once.  There isn’t any place you can walk in the US that doesn’t fit that description.  The Indian part of me alternates between feeling conquered and murderous, but the white part of me, my mother’s blood, can’t quite rest easy there.’

‘I don’t see why not.’

He shook his head. ‘It’s a tribal thing.  It’s tribal, and I’ll never be part of that.”

Loving Chloe

    Jo-Ann Mapson

This image is from a month or so ago when I was repairing a well-loved comforter.

This image is from a month or so ago when I was repairing a well-loved comforter.

Happy Friday!

I hope you are having a super week!  Again this week I have been busy with prep, fabric choices, cutting, and communicating with customers.  I have two quilts ready to piece, three ready to quilt, and a bear finished along with a small quilt finished!  Whew!  

I posted a fun walk through the bear making in my stories on Instagram this week...would you like to see more of that?  I plan to post more of those as I feel inspired.  Sometimes I get so busy and involved that I forget to share, which I don’t necessarily consider a bad thing.  Focus and diligent attention are always good!  If you don’t follow me on Instagram, then go over to the gallery and click on the camera icon or search for finished.fibers. Also let me know what other types of process pictures you would like to see!

The Anniversary quilt is still in the works...I am trying to get enough pieced to take good photos!  Hopefully I will have an update next week. 

I may have to move to a blog every two weeks with my holiday work load kicking in, but I’ll try to at least drop a note each week!

Have a great week. Stay safe.

Sending Quilting Love, 


Coming Next Week: That depends on you...what would you like to hear about?  Leave a comment by next Tuesday or Wednesday! I write and set the blog up on Thursday evening!

I am Reading: Cræft: An Inquiry Into the Origins and True Meaning of Traditional Crafts by Alexander Langlands and The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas (unabridged); I am getting so close to finishing! 910 pages finished...the end is 1243, so only 333 to go...those plot lines tightening!  Maybe Agatha Christie soon?  I am also reading various poetry.   

Can You Tell I Am Feeling Bookish Today?

“He’s more myself than I am.  Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”

        Catherine of Heathcliff

Wuthering Heights

Emily Bronte

Happy Friday...the last of September!

I am having trouble believing October starts late next week.  Alas. Well, I promised you one of my favorite quotations from Wuthering Heights, so I began with it this week. I did not, in fact, start rereading it (The Count and his revenge are really keeping me busy!), but I think I will take it up again soon.  I realized yesterday, again, mind you, that I crave books like most people crave food, and I mean that about reading itself, and the composition of books themselves.  I sometimes long for a certain style, era or author...turns of phrase or familiar friends...a difficult wordy maze or soothing pastoral.  The Count of Monte Cristo is interesting because it is a translation from the French, so I find myself going back to the French to see how certain phrases or looks were originally written.  I have thought about buying a French copy, so that I can match and read them.  I want to do the same thing for The Lover...what a beautiful book it must be in French.

Honestly, I don’t spend all of  my time reading, though.  I really only spend about 15-30 minutes on weekdays reading, usually right before bed.  This week, though, I had several appointments, so my book went with me.  And my appointments, both business and personal, have dominated the week.  I almost think they have dominated more of my time than the studio has this week.  Probably not, but it feels that way.  I will try to make next week a much quieter week where I am in the studio all day! 

I did make some progress yesterday between appointments, and I hope to have a final Anniversary quilt layout for you soon!  

I realized yesterday that I forgot I am making two quilts…I have just been making half square triangles…no wonder I have so many!

I realized yesterday that I forgot I am making two quilts…I have just been making half square triangles…no wonder I have so many!

I also prepped orders a lot this week; I have one quilt on the quilting frame and several others waiting for that one to be finished!  I also delivered a beautiful quilt to its owner!  All in all a productive week.  What did you do this week?  Did you make progress on something you have been working on?  I would love for you to share in the comments...and it can be anything, not just quilting or sewing things!  Obviously books are fair game here, too!  You might have other passions, too, so tell me about those! 

Have a great week. Stay safe.

Sending Quilting Love, 


Coming Next Week: Anniversary Quilt layout.  

I am Reading: Cræft: An Inquiry Into the Origins and True Meaning of Traditional Crafts by Alexander Langlands and The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas (unabridged).  I am also reading various poetry.  

A Reminder...

“There’s just this for consolation:  An hour here or there when our lives seem, against all odds and expectations to burst open and give us everything we’ve ever imagined, though everyone but children (and perhaps even they) knows these hours will inevitably be followed by others, far darker and more difficult.”

The Hours

Michael Cunningham

One of ten beautiful quilts I made for a family after a loved one passed away.

One of ten beautiful quilts I made for a family after a loved one passed away.

Hello, Everyone!

This week I was reminded how important my work is to my customers and to myself.  Sometimes I get caught up in the administrative parts of my business...taxes, bills, supply orders, appointments...and I get caught up in deadlines and other responsibilities of being a custom commission based business.  And in getting caught up in those aspects of my business, the real heart of what I do slips into the background. 

I met with a long-time customer this week.  She gets t-shirt quilts made for each of her children as they graduate from college, and I have had the honor of making two quilts previously for her, and making a third for her this year. This particular customer came to me based on a good friend’s recommendation.  Her friend was also having t-shirt quilts made for her children as they graduated from college.  I made two quilts myself for her, and I helped make two earlier quilts for her when I worked for Patchwork Memories.  She and I had planned for me to make her youngest child’s quilt in 2019 when he graduated from college.  I did what I usually do, and put her on my calendar to contact in February 2019, so that she could get in my graduation quilt line up.  I emailed her in February, as promised, but I didn’t get a response.  She had mentioned that her son might take a little extra time to graduate, so I didn’t think too much about it.  I put a note to contact her later, and I thought about her this spring when I started thinking about graduation quilts in February. 

When I met with her friend this week, she informed me that her friend had suddenly passed away a few years ago, and she asked me if the final quilt for her friend had been made.  I told her I didn’t think so, but I would check my records to be sure.  After our meeting I went back to look at my records, and found all that I said above about trying to contact her in February 2019.  My customer who passed away was a wonderfully kind person, and her friend and I realized the importance of the quilts she had made for her children. Her friend is going to see if we can get the final quilt finished for her.

I often deal with the aftermath of death in my work.  I work with grieving family members, and I have the honor of building and designing quilts to remember lost loved ones.  Every year I make quilts for Carolina Donor Services from the quilt blocks families make to memorialize their loved ones who donated organs upon their death.  I just delivered this year’s quilts last week.  All of these quilts are so special and comforting.  The Carolina Donor Services blocks always give me pause to think about the people missing from other people’s lives, but the blocks are always so joyful and full of life.  Each block is lovingly put together by the family, and each one celebrates that life lost and the life given with the organ donation.

The quilts I made for my long-time client and her friend were quilts of joy, too ...moving from childhood and young adulthood to adulthood.  These ladies saved shirts all through their children’s lives, and I was stunned and saddened to hear that my customer had died.  However, I was also glad to know her children have a wonderful reminder of their mother’s love and joy in their accomplishments and lives.  Each of their quilts show her love and care, and I feel glad to be able to be a part of that process.  My long-time client and I will do our best to get that last quilt made if the family would like to have it done, and I will once again be reminded of how important the quilts I make can be for people.

Anniversary Quilt Update:  I am still sewing and trimming about you?

Have a great week.  Remind your loved ones they matter.  Stay safe.

Sending Quilting Love, 


Coming Next Week:  Finished Half Square triangles?  I really do hope so! :)

I am Reading:  Elantris by Brandon Sanderson and Man in the Blue Scarf: On Sitting for a Portrait by Lucien Freud by Martin Gayford.  The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas (unabridged)  I am also reading various poetry.  What are you reading? I would love to know!

Sewing Balm and Quilting Ideas!

“For if the artist love the medium enough to submit himself to its actual qualities, resisting exaggerated notions of what the  medium can do at his beck and call, then the result will likely be something recognizable as a work of art, a transaction between the mind and the world that is played out in the material reality of the medium.”

How Poems Get Made

James Logenbach

Medium stipple or meander I use for quilting t-shirt quilts.

Medium stipple or meander I use for quilting t-shirt quilts.

Hello, Everyone!

Where is July going?  I feel like we just started the month, and now we are half-way through it.  So many unknowns this month, too...will school start?  What will it look like?  Is it safe?  What will be missed if students stay at home?  I have a sophomore in college and a junior in high school, and all of the options look weak and unsatisfactory.  We are still waiting for the county to make decisions about school, and the university still insists school will begin, but they have not offered any details about move-in or specifics about classes.  I do not envy anyone having to make those decisions, either.  If I am worried, then I am sure school/university staff are having sleepless nights!

Right now I do not control any of those decisions, so I am trying (unsuccessfully sometimes) to not worry about them.  Today I cannot affect any changes regarding the way my husband works at a university, school questions abound in our I will not let those concerns niggle my mind--at least not much. If I keep saying that will I begin to practice it?  I hope so! 

I do find a lot of solace in my work.  Sewing has always been a balm, and I try not to take for granted the quiet hours I spend in my studio.  Today’s quotation reminds me of how sewing really takes hold of me...I really do submit myself to my medium, and I love what arises from that willing submission.

Besides working on custom orders, finishing four quilts and delivering them, this week, I worked more on half square triangles...I hope to finish next week, so that we can begin laying out the quilt!  I’m so excited to get to that part!  How are your squares going?  Please don’t hesitate to ask questions or send me pictures!  Do we need a hashtag to follow on Instagram….hmmm…that sounds like a good idea! 

As I worked piecing squares and dreaming about the top as a whole, the inevitable happened:  I started thinking about how I want to quilt the Anniversary quilt.  Do you think about quilting as you are piecing?  I always do.  For t-shirt quilts, I almost always use a medium sized stipple for quilting because it allows me to meander around heavy paint, buttons, placards, or other odds and ends one finds in quilts made from clothing.  So as I am prepping shirts or pieces of the quilt, I think about how I will need to quilt around and within that block.  I think that forethought helps when the top actually gets loaded for quilting.  

For memory quilts, often also made from clothing, I sometimes quilt something special but it usually incorporates a meander, so that I can still have the freedom to avoid trouble spots.  All of my quilting is hand-guided, too, so my patterns are limited to what I know how to do.  Though I am always trying out new things!

Small stipple and meandering heart quilting samples.  I should finish these even though they are small—-I have been using them for my mug rugs!  The meandering heart has lush minky on the back of it.  I love to cuddle it!

Small stipple and meandering heart quilting samples. I should finish these even though they are small—-I have been using them for my mug rugs! The meandering heart has lush minky on the back of it. I love to cuddle it!

I’m wondering if I want to do some custom quilting on the Anniversary quilt or if it should reflect my most common quilting pattern?  Do I want to custom quilt the larger half square triangles?  Do I want to do one meandering pattern in the solid spaces and a different one in the scrappy spaces?  Do I want to quilt a fancy border design...I mean it is a celebration quilt!?!

I have not made any decisions yet, but I am thoroughly enjoying thinking about the options!  What kind of quilting do you like on a quilt...a dense pattern, lose pattern, all over or custom quilting?  Do you quilt your own quilts or will you give your top over to the trusted and capable hands of a longarm quilter?  Leave me a comment or send me a DM.  I would love to hear your ideas and thoughts about quilting!

Have a great week! Be kind. Stay safe.

Sending Quilting Love, 


Coming Next Week:  Finished Half Square triangles?

I am Reading:  Elantris by Brandon Sanderson and Man in the Blue Scarf: On Sitting for a Portrait by Lucien Freud by Martin Gayford. (I am really enjoying this book---I read a little each night before bed, and I am fascinated by Freud’s mind and artistic thinking.  I also love the view of the sitter!)  The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas (unabridged)  I am also reading various poetry.  What are you reading? I would love to know!