“I’ll walk where my own nature would be leading: It vexes me to choose another guide.”
Emily Bronte
I found the quotation in my quotation journal, which is a Bronte journal.
Hello and Happy Friday!
Well, I remembered the days correctly this week...I actually compose the blog earlier in the week in my head, and I type it up on Thursdays. You understand my trouble last week, right? So as I am writing this my oldest son is turning 19! My youngest son turned 16 two weeks ago. Where did the time go!?! My oldest is also returning to his college campus on Saturday, and as I said last week, my extra work, like the anniversary quilt, would be relegated to the back burner of my very hot stove until that move in happens.
I got a lot of work finished this week. I currently have two large quilts and four wall hangings to bind. (Yes, I was piecing and quilting up a storm!) I also quilted, bound, and embroidered a label for another quilt. Two or three other jobs are in my brain, percolating. I delivered a quilt and consulted a number of clients.
Outside of the work to keep my queue moving, the bits of time I usually allot to half square triangles, lately, has been taken up with finishing masks for said oldest child. I want to make sure he has enough. I let him choose the fabric, and I finished all of those yesterday.
A satisfying stack!
I am also trying to finish more for my husband, who also works on a college campus, but I am still working on a good fit for him. Once I get that done, his masks won’t take long because his masks are all black.
How has your week been?
On Saturday, while I am helping Sam move in, my business will be turning five! I have been celebrating all summer, and I plan to continue until October, when I actually was completely up and running. If you happen to think of me or the business on Saturday, then leave me a comment or send me a DM on Instagram! I would love to hear from you!
Have a great week. Stay safe.
Sending Quilting Love,
Coming Next Week: Okay, everyone in the house will be back into school and work full time, so I should be finding a new more expansive schedule. I’ll let you know how that goes next Friday, but I hope to have pretty pictures of my triangles!
I am Reading: Cræft: An Inquiry Into the Origins and True Meaning of Traditional Crafts by Alexander Langlands and The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas (unabridged). I am also reading various poetry---Anne Sexton mostly still. What are you reading? I would love to know! I haven’t started Mozart’s Starling yet, but I am still thinking about it.